Day & Night

237. Describe your favorite time of the day.

My favorite time of the day is the morning: bright, happy, and full of surprises. In the morning, you don’t know how the rest of your day is going to go. Your options are open. Sometimes, you can even choose your own course further in the day. When you wake up in the morning, you’re free of pressures, and you can start afresh. You can forget about previous unfortunate events, or revel in the beauty of the fortunate ones. I guess you could call me a morning person. Everything just seems beautiful under the sunlight. The morning is chirpy, and energetic.
Then again, the night is when I feel anything is possible. When nothing is a hindrance. Night-time is my choice of the day to study, or work on any concentrated project that I put my mind to, because I can concentrate all my energy on one thing without getting distracted by movement all around me. The amount of work I can get done in one night is more than I can get done in 3 days. There is nothing like the silence you experience at night. The silence amplifies any mood you feel. If you’re out with a bunch of friends having a good time, the night just makes everything seem funnier of happier. If you’re in a romantic state, you feel more loves and you give more. For me, if I’m feeling creative, the best time of the day to write is at night. Be it prose, poetry, or any form of art. My imagination and thoughts flow through without any resistance. The night is quiet, serene, peaceful, beautiful, and it may be dark but a light always shines within. Night-time intensifies everything. What one may conceive as impossible is made possible in the form of dreams. The night may well be my favorite time of the day, but I cannot fathom having to live without daylight.


  1. I really like the way you have written as it is clear that you are happy in every situation which just made me happy too!


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