Home Is Where The Heart Is; Hence, It's Always Perfect

243. Describe the perfect home.

A perfect home is one where everyone in the home lives cordially with the other. No one fights, no one is messy, no one leaves the toilet seat up, everyone changes the toilet paper, everyone happily joins for meals, everyone agrees on watching the same show, people don’t fight for the couch or their favorite chair; where everyone and everything is perfect all the time. Where teenagers listen to their parents, parents are lenient, and everyone is happy all the time. A perfect home doesn’t exist. In fact, a perfect home would be so boring, that it would overwhelm me into killing myself.
To me, my home is perfect. To others, theirs might be. A perfect home requires squabbles. It requires bad moments to make the good moments feel more special. They say, “The home is where the hearts is.” Without pain, hurt, sorrow, happiness, joy, consent all together the heart is incomplete. For the heart, and the home, to be complete, one needs to face all these things together and come through them to truly achieve perfection. Imperfect perfection is the only way to gain true happiness.
My home consists of just my mother and me. Many people think our home can never be perfect without a man in the house, but I beg to differ. Our home is perfect. Probably more so than when my father lived with us. I fight with my mom, I have to do chores, we have to figure out the “man chores” ourselves, learn to deal with electrical difficulties, pick up furniture, lift the heavy things, open jars ourselves, and survive without a man’s assistance. I think we’re doing just fine. Even things we don’t enjoy doing end up being fun because we love, and take care of each other. All a perfect home really requires is love.


  1. I really like this post and the way you wrote,I think, it answers the question really well. May be not so oddly, this post brings out my family memories. I agree that a perfect home would be boring with all its perfectness while love in the midst of all its imperfections makes a home perfect.


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