
10. Create a question we haven’t asked and then provide the answer. (Something to that effect anyway. Dartmouth used this a few years ago. I had a student who posed the following question and wrote a seven-page response: “Write about a time when life threw you a curve and how you handled it.”

What do you think the world and its people need to do?

I think the world needs to stop. Everything around us is moving so fast.
“Look at us. Running around, always rushed, always late. I guess that’s why they call it the human race.” – From the movie The Switch.
We’re so busy running around, working, playing, dancing, partying, studying or training that we don’t get the time to look at the world. We don’t get the time to appreciate what we have. We don’t get the time to understand what we are doing and let it sink in. Everything is so rushed. Everything is never-ending. The world needs to stop its waste production. The people in it need to stop reproducing. We need to stop using up the resources. If we continue like this, the world will automatically stop it all for us. Permanently, that is.
This world and everything in it is depleting too fast and the human race is the predominant reason behind it. We might not even have to make amends if we just stopped all the damage entirely. Though that is unrealistic and impossible, it’s a fact.
Besides environmental factors, we need to stop for our own sake as well. To get a chance to breathe, to absorb everything that is happening, has happened or is going to happen in our lives. Try it sometime. Find some time, sit down in one spot and do nothing. Even without sleep, just sitting down in peace can be so relaxing. If this is what we’re teaching the kids of the next generation to always be in a hurry and be constantly competitive, their futures are all going to collapse because the world has a capacity to the amount of brilliance it can take. If everyone is always striving for the best, no one will ever gain it.
So sometimes, just stop, breathe, watch, and listen to the beauty of the world that surrounds you. Who knows, maybe you might come up with a brilliant plan to save it


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