Are We Alone?

126. Are We Alone? (Tufts)

When I'm surrounded by the busy buzzing of people all around me, sometimes I still feel alone. Do you? Are we really alone in this world? One may have supportive family, friends or a significant other who we feel are, and always will be, there for us. We feel they want what is best for us, but at the end of the day “each man for himself” is how we operate. Most people look and work toward their own best interest. Using an Evolutionary Approach from a psychologist’s point of view, we do it because it is in our biology to function with the mindset of the “survival of the fittest”.  (Psychology class with Mr. M.) As humans we often like to believe that everything revolves around us and that we’re extremely important in others' lives around us because it makes us feel better about ourselves. To really survive in this world, we cannot depend on others to haul our weight for us. We need to have the capability to do things ourselves for when we get stuck in situations where there is no body else to count on.
From a more literal point of view, ARE we alone? Do humans possess the highest brain capacity in the galaxy? Are there organisms out there with higher levels of intelligence, or at least one that matches ours? Is it possible to have the most advanced brain? I cannot seem to come to terms with this idea. My brain automatically presumes that there is something bigger and smarter than the human race – something way beyond our imagination. Some people may say I am referring to God. He is definitely bigger and smarter than the human race, but I am referring to something more concrete, something one can see and feel. Something one can prove. Maybe I’m just insane or have a farfetched imagination, but haven’t you ever wondered if there was something else out there?


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