A Risk?

112. Evaluate a significant experience, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you.

As it is, switching from an Indian School to an International school is a great task. Doing so when I knew I would have to switch back to an Indian college later was out of the question! I would first have to get used to an International System and then re-learn what I un-learned 2 years ago. Coming to Woodstock School was the biggest risk I could have taken. The exams only amount to twenty percent of the final grade you receive. They grades you get are based on your assignments with every hour late affecting your grade and to top it all off you have so many assignments to do. All this is a stark contrast to how most Indian schools work where the exams amount to 80% of your grade. Turning in an assignment 3 days late often has no consequences and longer than that would probably reduce your marks by a maximum of 1-2 points. The best part being that we received probably 2 assignments per week at most!
Sometimes though, one is forced to take such a leap. Fortunately for me, the risk I took turned out for the better. I’m not saying it was an easy transition, I still have trouble with my work, but it’s nothing that I can’t fix myself. I’m doing better at my tests because I have to depend on logic not rote learning. I do struggle with time management, but the work I end up giving in (whether late or not) turns out pretty well. I also have been getting great class participation grades. I think coming to Woodstock School will probably be more beneficial to me because my grades here are better. Though the transition from International to Indian may be tough, the better grades and extra-curricular activities will help me get into better colleges in India. Taking risks are often dangerous and can either make or break your lives but not taking that leap of faith could do the same. I am glad I moved to Woodstock School, Mussoorie, as it has definitely proven to be the more beneficial choice so far.


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