Man Is A Social Animal

32. Sartre said, “Hell is other people,” while Streisand sang, “People who need people are the luckiest people in the world.” With whom do you agree? (Amherst)

I strongly disagree with Sartre. I agree more with Streisand’s view that “People who need people are the luckiest people in the world.”  I don’t need people as such, but I am much happier in the company of other people. In a sense then, I guess I indirectly need people to be happy. I’m always finding new people to meet. I always want to know who someone is. Each person is different, and each person has some really different, fascinating characteristics. I’ve learned to like people for what they do have instead of disliking them for what they don’t have.
If “Hell is other people” (Sartre) then put me on the list because that’s where I want to go. Sometimes you can have the best of conversations with what seems like the worst of the people. For example, my English teacher is the best as well as the worst person to have a conversation with. He somehow always seems to disagree with my point of view and presents his own argument in the best possible way. He convinces me even though I try being as stubborn as possible to prove him wrong.
If I had to live in a world without other people, I would probably end up as a depressed soul. If I didn’t see so many people a day, I would have no reason to smile. (Yes, you can infer from the previous statement that I smile at almost everyone I walk by whether or not I know him or her).
I’m not saying I like being in crowded rooms all the time. I do like my own space and I like time to myself, but I couldn’t survive for too long without other people. The world would be a boring place if it were just me all alone. No stories from different backgrounds, no dramatic fights between two people, no love, no hate. I’m much happier with the world we have.


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