Camp Forktail Creek

174. If money and family obligations left you entirely free, how and where would you spend the summer before college?

Ever since the first time I went to visit my father’s friends in Corbett, I have always loved the place. The friends spoken of own a camp called ‘Forktail Creek’ which is in the midst of the forest, now has four dogs on the campsite, and a beautiful bonfire. Every night, different people from different places in the world, staying there, sit around this bonfire having the oddest of conversations under the star-lit sky.
The first time I went there, I was six, I was bald, and the only thing I paid attention to the entire week was the 2 dogs there at the time. The two beautiful Butiyas, the local mountain dogs. The previous time I went there, there were four grown dogs and 4 puppies at on camp. Though it was the first time I saw a tiger in the wild, I had 3 pictures of the tiger and 348 of the dogs on camp. That camp has always been a retreat for me. I also once asked the owners whether they would hire me to work there someday. Even if it was only to clean up or cook.
If I have the time and the opportunity, I would spend my summer volunteering at the ‘Forktail Creek’. It is surrounded by beauty, plants, animals (most importantly birds), and good friends (or at least the potential opportunity to make some). Everywhere I look, I see a picture perfect scenery. A summer at the camp would give me an opportunity to improve my photography portfolio, work with knowledgeable bird-watchers, and live extreme peace. I always envied those friends for living in such a beautiful place. Moving to Mussoorie has given me the beauty, but it cannot give me the experience or the opportunities that the camp in Corbett can provide me with.


  1. I've been hearing about this place for a while. Now I definitely have to visit. I think you should definitely try to spend the summer there -- it wouldn't be expensive, and you could learn a lot.

  2. Expense is not an issue, it would actually be free for me! :D
    The 4 puppies I talk about, they're Mr. Alter's dogs. Now you know why I love them so much.


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