Privelege or Nuisance?

21. If you had the gift of telepathy, the ability to read other people’s minds, would you use this gift or not? Explain. (Middle East Technical University/93)

Having the gift of telepathy is a great privilege, but I wouldn’t want to know everyone’s thoughts all the time. If I could read everyone’s minds, it would make life and conversation dull. People would seem uninteresting to me because I would already know what they are thinking and everyone would lose the touch of mystery that makes one want to get to know someone else. Telepathy is an invasion of one’s privacy. I wouldn’t want others reading my thoughts and I wouldn’t treat others any different from how I would want to be treated. If I had the ability to read minds, others’ thoughts around me would probably overwhelm me and I may not be able to hear my own self thinking.

I do know that I often wish I could read someone’s mind, but it’s the inability to do so that makes it so intriguing. If I could read people’s minds I would no longer be as fascinated by the prospect. The grass is always greener on the other side. If I did have the ability of reading minds, I would complain of others’ thoughts filling me head, and when I can’t read minds, I would wish to be able to. Human beings are never satisfied. “With great power comes great responsibility.” (Spiderman) With the ability to read minds, I would need to be responsible to respect privacy and not let out information that isn’t mine to tell. On the other hand, I would need to be strong enough to breach someone’s privacy and let out certain private information that would benefit the society or protect it.
Some might argue that being able to read minds would be amazing because you would always know what someone wants to hide. According to me though, if I could read minds I wouldn’t appreciate it as much and might take it for granted. Also, people have their sound reasons for wanting to hide things from others and they are just in doing so.


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