Ancient Times

2. Imagine that you have the opportunity to travel back through time. At what point in history would you like to stop and why? (Swarthmore)

“If I had the choice of going back in time, I would go back to a time before the wheel.” (“The Hub Of All Inventions” by SilentVoice)* Before mass deforestation, before modern civilization, and maybe even further back to before man became the dominant species. Back to a time when the world was covered by forests and other forms of plant-covered land. When all one could see around us was a green sheet of plants, and upon closer inspection, the various colors of plants, fruits, birds, and other exotic animals. A time when survival was tough, but life was simple, without the stress of work, the pressures of society, and the complicated relationships. When peace and time were easy to find.
Living in such a time would have its own stressful situations, as there would be many more predators for us to protect ourselves against, and less shelter for us to hide in. The inability to efficiently climb like other animals would pose a disadvantage for us too. Though, as I have often said since moving to the hills of Mussoorie, “I would much rather be attacked by a leopard or monkey than be killed by my own kind,” which there is a high possibility of, in today’s world.
Being at such a disadvantage against other animals is also good for our population control. Having such a highly developed brain turned out as a disadvantage anyway, as evidence of the state the world is presently in shows us. Most, if not all, of the environmental unbalances today are directly or indirectly caused by humanity. Global warming caused the melting of ice caps, which was caused by deforestation and pollution, which was caused by humans. Loss of most biodiversity can be blamed on us due to our poaching tendencies, loss of animal habitat for more land for ourselves, polluting of water by our wastes, and I could go on.
In conclusion, I feel going back to ancient, post-caveman times would be a nice time to live in.

*Underlined due to added link, not for citation purposes


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