Music & Lyrics (title of a movie)

19. Write you own essay question and answer it. (Kalamazoo College/93)

Q. What is one hobby, interest, field that you are passionate about?
I have always been attached to music; always needed it more than anything else. I have been listening to music since before I was born. While I was in my mother's womb, my father used to play his favorites by John Denver, The Beatles, Elvis, ABBA, songs like "Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Bikini" and some of my mother's favorites too. With parents as music lovers, I grew up with a wide variety of music, and often come across people older than me who asked, "How in the world do you know that song?"

Being that big of a music lover, I always wanted to learn how to play an instrument, but was never able to. My parents couldn't afford to buy me an instrument. Music lessons were entirely out of the picture. This left me with one option - Vocals. I never took lessons, but I was always found humming or singing a tune - if I passed someone by, in a car, while reading, and sometimes, very rudely, even while having a conversation - and still continue to do so. Nevertheless, whenever I came across an instrument I tried my hand at it, asking friends or teachers to help. Through this all, singing has always been my favorite part. Once I grew a little older, when I could understand the lyrics and appreciate them, I got more involved with music - both emotionally and aesthetically.

Below is a poem I wrote at the age of thirteen and in it comes through my relationship with music.

Once I get to the microphone,
That's all I know
It's all I feel
And I just go with the flow

When I'm up on the stage I'm no more
In control of what I do or what I say.
I'm lost in the music in every way.

I can only hear what the band plays for me
That's all I hear, all I see.

I can hear the guitar loud and clear
The sound of the music wipes away my fear.

The stage fright is there no more
And neither is the nervousness that was there before.

I feel nothing but the music surging through my ears
And the song's still great as its end nears.

I feel every word in the song that I sing out loud
I can feel the emotion and I forget about the crowd.

I can feel it with every fiber in my soul
To get the message through to the audience is my goal.

Every written song has a meaning to it
And to spread these meanings, I'm doing my bit.

I love all I hear and all that I voice
I'd sing all day if I had a choice.

Music really is worth my life to me
And the stage will always be the place I want to be.


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