My Silence Has a Voice Too

11. If you were to describe yourself by a quotation, what would the quote be? Explain your answer. (Dartmouth)

Once when I was very silent, I mentioned to a friend not to mistake my silence for boredom as I was in a very content state. He then looked at me, smiled and responded, "Your silence has a voice too." Since then, I have been attached to the phrase as it truly brings out the existence of meaning behind a silent pause or moment. Some people can’t stand silences and find it awkward. They don’t understand the beauty of it. Sometimes silence can say more than words can, just through a locking of eyes, a smile, or even an action. As someone once said, "actions speak louder than words."

The same applies with music. As John Keats said, “Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter.” Music has always spoken to me, whether composed or not. By this I mean that music can be heard in footsteps, from a stream trickling by, or the rustle of the leaves on a tree. Music is in everything and it speaks the words that can’t be spoken. Whenever I’ve been in a situation where I can’t express myself as clearly as I wish, I turn to music in the form of lyrics. I write about how I feel. While writing, the words just flow through without my having to think about it. I may never read it again but I am able to put words on paper while sitting in utter silence. I can find silence in my own world even if I am amidst a bustling crowd. I block everything else out and, for just a moment, imagine I’m the only one there. I love being in a crowd surrounded by familiar, or even unfamiliar, faces. Sometimes, though, I need to have a moment of silence to myself to feel serene again and I’m sure it’s the same with others.


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