There's No Thing Such As A Favorite Word In My Dictionary

163. What is your favorite word, and why? (University of Virginia)

My favorite word is eccentric. The word eccentric defines the person I hope I am, or at least the person I want to be as a whole. I know some people consider eccentricity to be unusual behavior and they often discourage such behavior. To me, eccentric means to be free and act and say what you truly feel, without being afraid of acceptance.

No. Wait. My favorite word is acceptance. It defines what most people seem to want in this world. Most people want to be accepted by others.

No. I take that back. My favorite word is kaleidoscope. It describes what this world really is. It describes the confusion of life, the big crowds, the obstacles, the barriers, the pain, and the happiness. It describes the variety one faces.

No. I think I like the word abstract better. Thinking out of the box. Being creative. Abstractness can be brought out in anything: dance, art, music, thinking, ideas, writing.

Maybe my favorite word is fumble. If you think about it, it’s quite a funny word. It sounds like something they would use in a fairytale. Fumblestiltskin.

The world giggle is funny too. I could say it again and again and just giggle away at how it sounds.

I’m not sure; maybe the word food is a better one. I don’t eat to live. I live to eat.

Then again, food isn’t the most important thing I could think of. I think my favorite word is mittens. It sounds cute. It sounds adorable and almost huggable. It makes me want to smile. After all, happiness is the key to life.

I know! My favorite word is happiness. Who doesn’t want to be happy? After all, when I’m not happy, I don’t favor anything. When I am happy, everything seems to be a favorite.

You know what? Maybe I just don’t have a favorite word. Maybe I’m just confused in life, or maybe I just like too many things and all these words describe a part of me.


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