I'm A Confused Soul

165. What confuses you most in life, and why? (University of Virginia)

There are many things in this world that confuse me. I really couldn’t choose one. The whole idea behind life seems to be to confuse and complicate people’s lives.

Relationships between supposed “best friends” confuse me. One day they’re all over each other saying they don’t trust anyone more than the other. Then the next day, they have a tiny little scrap and they suddenly reveal everything sacred about the other.

Parents confuse me. They spend the first half of our childhood trying to teach us how to talk and then second half telling us to “Shut up!” Parents confuse me all the time. If I do something to annoy them, they tell me to grow up, if I try acting grown up and shock them, they tell me to act my age. You can never win!

Some teachers (I’m not taking names) confuse me too. They get mad if you speak up and give an incorrect answer and then they get mad if you don’t speak up. Which we avoid doing because we’re too afraid of getting the wrong answer.

Religion confuses me. There are so many different views out there that I don’t know which one I believe. With all the insecurity and hostility between some religions, I might as well not be religious at all!

Rajnikanth movies confuse me. Why would you even attempt making a movie that is so unrealistic and silly?

The English Language confuses me. Words pronounced the same way are spelt different. Sometimes words spelt the same way are pronounced different.  Words with the same spelling can mean two different things. Some phrases (idioms) don’t really mean what they say.

The French Language confuses me too. When you pronounce some words, you omit some letters even though they are present in the spelling. You pronounce half the letters different that they are.

My English teacher confuses me. But then again, he does that intentionally so I guess that doesn’t count.

There are only two things in this world that don’t confuse me. Music – because everyone can have their own take and perspective of it – and dogs – because they are so simple and act out precisely how they feel.


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