Black and Blue

Black and Blue by Anna Quindlen

62. Discuss how something you have read has affected you or changed your mind about something.

It was a book I borrowed from an aunt and never returned. From the first time I read Black and Blue, I was strongly affected by the characters in the book (and I read it multiple times). It often brought me to tears. This book can elicit strong emotions from people. Both my mom and I relate to the story.
The words ‘Black and Blue’ refer to the bruises Fran, the mother in the book, had. The bruises she got from her abusive husband Bobby. It represents the bruises the little child had. Fran’s ten-year-old-son Robert. The book shows how many women face domestic violence and abuse and don’t have the courage to walk away from the marriage. It also shows how some women love their husbands no matter how they are treated. Fran would never have walked out on her husband if she hadn’t seen the effect it had on her son. How he was such a quiet, well-behaved, and obedient child who always gave in to others’ needs. She walked out on Bobby when she saw her darling child’s black and blue bruises. She tried to make a new life for herself by fleeing the country and adopting a new name and lifestyle as a school teacher. She couldn’t escape him for long though. He tracked her down, but eventually she got freedom from his death and all was well.
This book taught me about pain. It taught me how to face pain. It taught me to stand up for myself no matter how grave the consequences. To not fear the future if you try to flee your past. More than that, it taught me a lesson she learned through trial and error: to not run away from your past but to face it and deal with it until you are truly free. Otherwise, your past will always haunt you.
Even today, I read this book to get strength to carry on in life if ever I face grave obstacles. I take strength from her and her pain.


  1. Nice reflection on the book. Maybe I can borrow it from you and never return it?

  2. Ha-ha! I'm not sure I'll ever lend it to anyone for just that reason :P


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