A Jog, a Run, or a Walk To Remember?

186. Jogging has become extremely popular. Explain why you jog or why you don't.
I used to hate jogging, running, or any form of exercise if it wasn’t to do with playing basketball. I didn’t mind walking. Walking was always a peaceful retreat for me. I walked if I was angry, I walked if I was happy, I had to walk if I was on the phone (I just couldn’t sit still), and most of the time I had music on while walking. Sometimes if it was too late to walk outside, I would pace up and down the small area within my room.
Jogging though, was not my cup of tea. I used to detest it even while warming up before basketball practice. Then, one winter, I discovered the beauty of training in the cold. The satisfaction of having a t-shirt dripping with sweat when you’re facing temperatures that cold. When other people around you are freezing under 4-5 layers of clothing and you can just stand there in one flimsy jersey. I know to most it probably sounds quite gross because I used to feel the same earlier on. But when you train in the cold, you truly find out the true amount of effort put in and you see evidence of your hard work.
After that winter was when I started jogging. Jogging took over my walking habit. Jogging felt more satisfactory especially in Gurgaon, while it was raining. Coming back from a jog and taking a shower was the best I ever felt. I made it a point to jog before setting down to study because I always came out of a shower with the freshest mindset possible. Jogging when you’re stressed is one of my favorite remedies. You pass everything by, fast enough to skip the things you want to be blind towards and slow enough to admire and appreciate the beauty around you. I always come back from a jog with a clear and calm mind, which keeps me ready to face and deal with work.


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