Hatred or Admiration Towards AP?

155. According to Stephen Carter, we can admire those with integrity even if we disagree with them. Are there people you admire even though you deeply disagree with them? What do you admire about them? How do you reconcile this apparent contradiction in your assessment? (Duke University) 

There are many people on the face of this planet that I admire. Some are young ones who work so hard, some are older ones who have faced many hardships and come out strong. One is my mom. I have learnt a great deal from the strength she shows. We often have disagreements, but I never fail to admire her and think highly of her. Another person I admire is my English teacher. The very same one who is behind my daily blog posts and the reason for my sleep deprived state. I curse him every time I receive a grade or get an assignment back from him. Yet, every time he gives us an assignment, I love the topics he chooses, and the ideas he uses to teach us. Mostly, I am fascinated by the various ways he finds to torture us with the tough assignments.
My AP English teacher is one whose work I admire. I try to read every post he puts up because he comes up with a different writing style each time. And though I may disagree with what he says sometimes, I end up not having any way to counter it because his argument is convincing. I deeply disagree with the grades he gives me. I deeply disagree with the cruelty of having to do various kinds of synthesis essays. I deeply disagree with having to write at least 300 words a day. Though when I put it all together and look at it from a broader point of view, I can’t help but admire the different ways he uses to make us hate him, while making us want to do well in his class. I admire the different methods he uses to help us improve ourselves. Not by spoon-feeding us, but by making us work so hard for it that I won’t be surprised if we all end up doing well on the AP examination if, and when, we take it.


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