Life In-dia

149. Once you have completed your education, would you return to your hometown to begin your adult life? Why or why not? (William and Mary)

My country and my hometown are the reason I want to do psychology. They are the reason for my wanting to become a counselor. I grew up with a nice, happy family. My parents separated and both my brother and I were in complete agreement with the split. My parents haven’t officially gotten a divorce yet, but they’ve unsuccessfully been trying to solve it mutually for the last 4 years. We got lucky. Divorces can get really nasty. They can affect the family drastically. Often the children are worst affected but, as I said, we got lucky. It did take a toll on us at times, but that was to be expected. After this was when I started noticing and making new friends who had broken families. I saw how bad it could get and how much some of them were struggling. I thank my stars every night for taking it easy on me. Not that I mean to insult any of my friends, but some of them weren’t having the best of times and they weren’t dealing with it in the best of ways. Or, they were in strong denial and just weren’t dealing with it at all.
That is when I realized what I wanted to do, what I wanted to be. Places foreign to India have counseling opportunities, and the idea of getting help is taken more openly than it is in India. My mom tried to get help in her first year. If it weren’t for the fact that she worked at an International School, she probably wouldn’t have succeeded. None of my friends with such backgrounds had the privilege to ask for help. I wanted to change that. I still do. I want children with problems to be able to live life without brooding over their issues. I want to help them get over the loss and live happy, well-functioning lives. The reason I want to be a counselor is to improve the perspective people have towards taking help in India. I would most definitely return to my country and my hometown to begin my adult life and my career.


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